The Third Trimester

As our third baby approaches, I wanted to create a new space to share our growing family and document the transition of going from two to three and motherhood in general - I also wanted to still be present whilst we prepare to take a little break from pop ups and website drops in the first few months. I will of course be sharing on our Instagram and social platforms once she is here but it only felt right for a blog to come to where it all began - Pawsey Preloved. 

I have always had a love for fashion and the retail industry. From leaving college I went on to study in Fashion Retail and qualified in Visual Merchandising before going on to for Arcadia - which was super eye opening. Afie was born in 2016 and I was no word of a lie a typical first time mum (maybe not nowadays in this more conscious time) but naively I brought way too much not realising how quickly babies actually grew. After having Suri I was so much more clued up on what I would need for a baby and how quickly she would actually grow out of items - covid hit in 2020 and Suri was 9 months old, we were in full on house sort mode and I decided to create an Instagram whereby I would try and sell the girls items as I'd previously tried Facebook marketplace and had no luck, at the time I had lovely brands that I didn't just want to sell for peanuts. Fast forward on I was selling items on my Instagram and then my friends were asking if I could sell some of their baby items and that is where Pawsey Preloved began.

My pregnancies with both of the girls weren't plain sailing well they were up until certain points. With Afie our first born I had preclampsia and was told induction was the safest option for both me and her so of course I listened, I was then induced - put on the hormone drip and managed to give birth to Afie naturally after having an epidural. When falling pregnant with Suri I thought right this time round I am being in control of the situation I'm planning an induction so I could sort childcare for Afie and I know what I'm walking in to... little did we know Suri actually had 2 heart defects that we had absolutely no clue about so we started the induction and things went downhill ending up in a C section and a trip to Evelina (a specialist children's hospital in London) 2 days post being born - since falling pregnant a third time I don't think I actually ever dealt with how traumatic Suri's birth was (the C section was actually a positive experience) but the post being born and being told your baby isn't 100% hit me like a ton of bricks. 

This pregnancy my best friend recommended reflexology to me and my oh my has that changed the game. As I said I didn't quite realise how much I hadn't actually dealt with Suri's labour and walking into my first reflexology appointment I didn't realise how much I'd been holding in, but she said to me maybe try and write it down on paper as a way of dealing with what happened. I feel super anxious about this birth but feel what is meant to be will be and trying not to overthink it this time round and accept the fact that I can't have full control of what may happen. Which try telling a Virgo to do?!  

Anyway this is the first blog post and I just wanted to give a little insight of what this platform will be.. I'm hoping to do Christmas gift guides, birth story and many more. So I'm not going anywhere! 

If you got this far thank you so much for reading.

Georgie xo




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